your journey to oneness starts now
Masters of Self University is setting the gold standard for formal metaphysical, spiritual education.
Unveiling the Path to Cosmic Enlightenment While Unleashing Your Superhuman Abilities:
At Masters of Self University, our focus is to safely guide students through learning, integrating, and mastering your multidimensional self. This includes but is not limited to studies in: Quantum healing, metaphysics, applied quantum mechanics, oneness consciousness studies, psychic elevation, re-coding your 12-strand DNA, quantum jumping, energetics, self-actualization, healing ancestral and current traumas, activating your superhuman abilities, and so much more.
While integrating such advanced and elevated studies, you will gain the wisdom of the deepest aspects of your multidimensional self that will become the transformative power to benefit all beings on our beloved planet. We are here to educate the beings who incarnated here to be on the side of the Light, and who came to create the New Earth together.
The Great Awakening: Ancient Teachings Emerge as Hidden Spiritual Wisdom Comes to Light
For centuries advanced spiritual and metaphysical studies have been hidden from the general public in order to prevent the advancement in humanity’s overall level of consciousness and evolution. Public accessible schools developed for the “old earth” were nothing but systems of indoctrination used to brainwash, manipulate, and enslave human beings. These “educational” systems contributed to creating a spiritually unconscious and deeply disconnected global collective.
The Rise of Pseudo-Spiritualism: Self-Appointed Gurus in the Age of Awakening
As the global awakening of humanity’s collective consciousness was activated in 2012, those seeking authentic spiritual guidance have often been forced to learn from those who are still students themselves. Birthed was the age of pseudo-spiritualism led by self appointed gurus and “spiritual influencers” who lack self-mastery and actual integration of metaphysics and mystical knowledge.
As an enrolled student, you will learn from the most elevated, educated, and qualified professionals including: Mystics, Mystical Professors, Holistic Physicians, Healers, Prophetic Teachers, and Certified Coaches of Oneness.
Hear what people have to say:
Meet the Certified Coaches of Oneness who will coach you through your Core Curriculum

OUR MSU Mystical Professors

Rachel Fiori
Harmony: The Twenty Universal Ways of Oneness

Tezra Bryant
Equality & Race

Max Lowen
Wisdom & Dark Arts Protection

Akende Munalula
Integrity & Marketing

Dr. Eduardo Hernandez, DO
Presence & Holistic Healthcare

Claire Cropper
Honoring & Mediumship

Rachel Baker
Responsibility & Plant Medicine

Treloar Hocking
Selfless Service & Reiki, Ayurveda

Christie Cunneyworth
Truth & Healthcare

Madison Creel
Patience & Breathwork

Gregoire Bosc
Surrender & Meditation
Activate internal, Sacred wisdom:
Educating the next generation of
spiritual warriors
Masters of Self University aims to set a new standard for formal spiritual education by teaching Oneness Consciousness through comprehensive courses exploring energetics, healing and developing each students' psychic abilities.

Sacred Wisdom Unveiled:
Access ancient spiritual knowledge previously hidden from the public, now available through our comprehensive course curriculums.
Elevated Faculty:
Learn from highly qualified Mystical Professors, Mystics, and Certified Coaches of Oneness who embody true self-mastery.
DNA Activation:
Discover techniques to awaken your 12 strand DNA, enhancing your innate divine gifts and superhuman abilities.
New Earth Creators:
Join a community of light workers and warriors dedicated to elevating global consciousness and manifesting a harmonious future.
Built To Deliver Transformative Results:
Our courses of study are specifically designed to offer students the ultimate resource for continued, Spiritual Education.