“The Power Within yOur Relationship”

Coaching Program for Couples

This is soul-level healing to create a truly divine union.

Achieve Harmony within your relationship by connecting to and functioning from the divine, eternal energy you have within. It’s time to stop engaging in relationships with others from our traumas, unhealed inner child wounds, & our egos.

MSU’s “The Power Within Our Relationship” coaching program for couples

This program heals the dysfunctional patterns of relating to another; whether you are the creator of the dysfunction or on the receiving end of it, or both.  Surface level solutions and strategies never heal the disharmony in romantic partnerships. Getting to the root core of what’s creating the disharmony and learning to transcend those unhealthy programs & patterns of relating to another is the key. 

Transforming your Self at this level in turn, transforms your relationship into one of Truth, Presence, Connection, Trust, Honoring, & Unconditional Love.


***NOTE: All coaching programs are led by Certified Mystical Coaches of Oneness™ who are highly trained professionals and have also completed the very programs you are about to embark on.